Tuesday, February 16, 2010

jari menaip laptop di..

Berada di lobi Hotel Swiss Garden Kuantan.
Sangat berbeza pengalaman dari bermain di tempat lain.
Seronok .. orang lalu lalang, Alunan muzik dari piano sangat mengasyikkan. Pakcik pemain piano sangat bersemangat. Muzik die juga mendau-dayu indahnya.Terasa mahu duduk je kat sebelah pakcik tu dan perasan yang pakcik tu mainkan untuk saye(perasaan..lari~)
Walaupun hujan lebat,keadaan sangat meriah..
Ade pelancong2 dari luar negara.. ramai. Ade majlis agaknye malam ni.
Ade tayangan filem layar putih di tepi kolam mandi~(teringat zaman skolah2 dulu)
Lampu2 mewah terpasang~
Sambil tunggu mama dan papa habis acara.. main internet. Adik bermain di pusat permainan.
Terasa mahu berbahasa baku tiba2.:)
kanak2 berlari anak di depan saya sekarang ini~ ibu2 mengejar mereka secara perlahan~
bahasa dituturkan tidak difahami, mungkin Jerman .
Apa-apa pun, seronok rasanya berada di tempat baru

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Ok.. harini, pergi rumah persatuan untuk dengar tentang PandaiSilat @cekakHanafi
Agak menarik...Suatu strategi menjenamakan semula silat2 Melayu yang sememangnya perlu dipelihara.. Sangat bersemangat Encik Am memberi serba sedikit mengenai butiran2 berkenaan kempen ini.. Tajuk yang 'catchy' dan usaha murni memperjuangkan Silat Melayu terserlah..
Rakan2 Cekak Hanafi sekalian.. Mari sokong kempen ini.. Mari kita bangkit semula!!
I'll try to get more information about this~

Monday, January 25, 2010

Visiting hospital

Just came back from K.T, visiting my uncle in hospital..
He was totally different six month ago ... He's really skinny and bed ridden.
He was diagnosed of stage 4 -lung cancer.. The cancer cells were already attacking his throat and kidney by now.. 6 months ago.. we could see a small white mass on his x-ray(upper right lung). The x-ray now is half of the lung is totally damage...:(

What we can do now is to give him a comfort treatment..x use of doing chemo ...he can't take it..and during our short visit,i could see his siblings and his daughter were doing as best as they can to give him comfort
. His daughter was there for almost 24/7. She'd lost her appetite too..She looked sad but she can't expressed it.
Last night , mum told me she read an sms from my aunt, who was there accompanying my uncle n his daughter in the ward.
She saw, my uncle called her daughter.. then, he kissed her forehead..with the energy he got..its a touching moment if we can see it.. although its quite normal.. but,try to be in their shoes,..

We had to go back home as sisters and brother had school the next day.. Mum had work.. dad must rest.
Let us pray , Allah will help him by reducing the pain he gained..
As for us, who is still healthy.. do take care of our health.. avoid things that will destroy u later..

Monday, January 18, 2010

Freak out~

Its MOnday~ No morning class except for Islamic knowledge~
Had Biochemistry test just now~
Managed to answer all..hope can score..amin~

Alhamdulillah, my dad is fine now. Thank you so much for everyone who prayed for him..
Now, he's on diet and have to quit smoking.
we're very grateful to Allah~ AMIN

This afternoon, my friends and i having our lunch in Pharmacy's canteen~
We saw our favourite lecture as usual.. And..
He treated me an ice cream... OMG i was so surprised~ and pleased too... sangat tak sangka..
I bet i have to study a lot on his subject after this..:)

Last night, i was on my way to campus for Hajat prayer. On the way, i heard a knocking sound from behind. 1st it was slow.. then, getting louder and louder at the back.. giving me creep..uuuu:S

Just ignore it.. but it got louder whenever i make a turn...
This morning my mom using the same car.. she heard the same.. louder2.. then, she stopped at the side of the road..Opened up the bonnet.. Guess what she found??
. Its a can of IDEAL MILK..
Duhhh.... the can did freaked me out... Ouch~

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Papa is having heart attack..
Muiz got PUD..
erm.. quite a tough n emotional week i guess..:'((HOSPITAL WEEK)
However.. relatives and friends did visit us.. Thank you for your support:)

Lets pray papa n muiz will get better as soon as possible.
euu.. my english getting worse day by day , have to improve on it.

We had a class meeting today. Well obviously we didn't act like a family of 09/10 biomed class.. These are the reasons i think that might be the cause of the problem:
1. We have huge an thick barrier among boys and girl
2. Lack participative among guys
3. No common sense of responsibility
4. Very few outspoken people to voice out the prob

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

microscope's stress

Its the 2nd session for anatomy lab...
Still,can't adjust my eyes when occupying the microscope.Ouch
Have to rely on right eye to look at the sample.. Huuu.. if i use both... the images were blur. But nevermind, i enjoyed that session.. beautinful tiny things to see. Subhanallah.. you're the best creator~
Just learn 'bout epithelium n connective tissues.. more to come after this~:D

Friday, December 25, 2009

..alien me..

Alright..Here's what i felt after being an 'alien' for quite a time in a community:
1. Things that i did oddly will always get attention
2. Being outspoken might made me isolated by group of people who x agree with me
3. Always be the last one to know everything
4. People ignored me
5. Lost in the crowd
6. I don't get information when people around speak in their mother tongue(i'm an outsider remember)
7. I got 'death stare' whenever i spoke with the mic.
8. I made a clique with others that share the same problem with me
9. Some of them cannot tolerate with differences between us
10. i got to blend with them, no matter i like it or not
11. People smile in front of me.. but back biting me at the back
12. People cannot adapt with my directness