Wednesday, March 25, 2009

OMG!!! nape surau ni kotor sangat???

D.I.Z.Z.Y...Best word to describe my condition now.
My assignment was rejected because of too much information and unorganized info..Huhuhu.. So next time, please give me the guideline so i can see it clearly and not to make the same assignment over and over again..

Alright, last two days, we (silat members) had a meeting with our Guru Utama. It was held in the mussolla of ****department. i came there 20 minutes before the ceremony begun and guess what i saw...
I walked into the mussolla and.... the condition was very very poor. OMG!!!!
The telekungs were all over the place. Together with some leftover. I did saw some sisters there, they just IGNORE it.. Hurm... I began to panic as the ceremony was just around the corner. So , i contacted other members to come and help.

Luckily, tee were 3 brothers came in and.. Helped me to clear up the Mussolla. They vaccuum it, reorganized he sejadahs and almost everything. Huuu... Thank you guys..
We managed to clean it up before our Guru Utama arrived. Fuhh.. Alhamdulillah..

But deep inside, i was very ashamed with the musolla's condition. It is a girl musolla but.. the condition is just like what we called in MalaY, 'Tongkang Pecah' or maybe,"tempat kucing beranak". Very2 untidy. i wonder .. how did they pray??
Don't they have any common sense to clean up their own thing(in case they are being very selfish or busy with their life untill they dn't even care to take care of place where they pray and communicate with Allah.)
Yeah student... busy with study ..but please.. if u can dress up and cleanup ur house for ur guess or be well prepared for honourable latecoming VVIP in a ceremony, why can't u spent 2 mins just to clear up the musolla.. I bet if everyone play their role, then of course the musolla will always be clean and tidy.

The most 'OUCH' thing is , i heard the brothers who helped me to clean it said;' Dasyat betul perempuan skarang nih ye, langsung x reti nak jage surau.. Surau lelaki pon jauh lagi kemas daripada ni." "Lelaki pula yang kena kemas surau peempuan"
"Surau ni takkan bersih kalau kiteorang x buat majlis kat sini, If Teh nak tau, ni laa keje Abg dari dulu, if nak buat majlis kat sini, memang kami kene check dulu and wajib bersihkan ..sebab macamni lah... Bersepah habis"

Urmm.. kepada pengguna2 surau berkenaan ..atau mana2 surau, terutamanya Muslimah.. tolonglah adakan Common Sense kamu... Bersihkan surau. Kalau bukan keseluruhan..tempat yang kamu gunakan untuk sembahyang pon jadi.. kutiplaa benang2 dan gumalan rambut atas karpet. Gantung atau susun laa telekung dan sejadah seeloknya...Rumah Allah, tempat beribadat..takkan x boleh jaga kot??

Kebersihan itu separuh daripada iman.. therefore...u know what to do..
Like what Pali always put in his blog.. Jom UBAH!